The latest status of reserves of large dams in Isfahan province;

The water reserves of dams in the province reached 276 million cubic meters

The director of operation and maintenance of water facilities of Isfahan Regional Water Company said: the total water storage of the big dams of Isfahan province reached 276 million cubic meters until the second of September.


The press conference of the head of water resources department was held with reporters and media members of this city

The press conference of the head of water resources department was held with reporters and media members of this city.

Zayandehrood Dam Manager:

The output of Zayandehrood dam decreased

The director of operation and maintenance of Zayandehrood and Koohrang dams and power plants said: the output of Zayandehrood dam decreased from the first hours of May 26th.


The meeting of Fereydunshahr city water and soil working group was held

The meeting of Fereydunshahr city water and soil working group was held.

By order of the Deputy Minister of Energy and Water and Sewerage and CEO of Iran Water Resources Management Company;

Engineer Hassan Sasani was appointed as the head of Isfahan Regional Water Company

Engineer Hassan Sasani was appointed as the head of Isfahan Regional Water Company.


The head of the catchment area of the Great Sefidrood River was appointed

Qasem Taghizadeh Khamesi, Deputy Minister of Energy and Water and the CEO of Iran Water Resources Management Company, appointed Dr. Massoud Mir Mohammad Sadeghi as the head of the Sefidrood Bozorg River catchment area.


The Zayandehrud dam has passed 614 million cubic meters

Deputy Director for Protection and Exploitation of Isfahan Regional Water Company By announcing the storage of 614 million cubic meters of water in the reservoir of the Zayandehrood dam of Isfahan, said: Continuity of water flow in the Zayandehrood River continues until the second half of June.


Presence of Isfahan Regional Water at the Green Management Exhibition

Isfahan Regional Water Company Attended Green Management Exhibition.




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